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- Thumbnail 1.9 by Sébastien Boisvert
- ===================================
- Purpose
- -------
- This Arexx program will create thumbnails, and an HTML document table using the
- thumbnails as the images, with its links pointing to the original full image.
- Requirements
- ------------
- You'll need ARexx, and the GfxCon program from Aminet (gfx/conv/gfxcon.lha)
- The program also requires RexxArp library (util/rexx/ral3p3.lha) and RexxDosSupport
- library (util/rexx/rexxdossupport.lha)
- Installation
- ------------
- Install the required libraries in your LIBS: path. GfxCon can be put anywhere, and
- Thumbnail.rexx should preferably be in the REXX: path.
- Usage
- -----
- runs from the Shell, with the following AmigaDOS style arguments (defaults values
- listed are the original defaults):
- SIZEX are the sizes for the thumbnail. GfxCon proportionally scales the
- SIZEY thumbnails to fit in these resolutions. Default: 100
- DEST is the directory in which the thumbnails will be placed
- (no '/') Default: thumb
- PERPAGE this will indicate how many thumbnails to create per page. It will
- create as many pages as needed to index all images. Defaults to 0,
- which means to create 1 table with all images
- RES is the intended X resolution for the page ('800' for 800x600,
- '1024' for 1024x768, etc...) Default: 800
- PATTERN standard AmigaDOS pattern used to match files. Default: ~#?.(htm#?|info)
- PICPAGE if specified will create an HTML page for each picture (see below)
- The program also has some setting which you may change; they are all in the
- first few lines of the code:
- The pattern to match/exclude; can be any standard AmigaDOS pattern
- The path and name of the program 'GfxCon' (you'll probably need to change this)
- The format for the thumbnails (gif or jpeg - must be lower case!)
- The border width for the table
- The quality for JPEG output if applicable
- The verbose switch to see GfxCon's output while processing images
- The base reference tag to include in the index/picture page(s)
- A header and footer string to be inserted in the index/picture page(s) (normal HTML)
- And last, the defaults for the different arguments.
- Operation
- ---------
- You must run the program while currently in the directory where the pictures to be
- thumbnailed are.
- Once given its arguments, the program will proceed to scan all files in the current
- directory. It will also create the thumbnail directory if it doesn't exist.
- When a file is found, it proceeds to make a thumbnail, name it to "t_<name>" plus
- the proper extension, and save it to the thumbnail directory. It will then repeat
- for all other matching files.
- Once all the files are done, it will create the table for the HTML page putting the
- files in alphabetical order. It will first calculate how many thumbnails will fit
- in the given page resolution with the given thumbnail resolution. It will then
- verify and adjust as necessary this number to create a table with as few blanks as
- possible in the last row.
- The program will also put the thumbnail size attributes in the table to avoid
- 'stretching' of the thumbnail to fill the entire cell. Please note that since the
- maximum width of the table is calculated using the given SIZEX argument, it may
- happen that the final width of the table be much smaller than the maximum width of
- the window if most thumbnail are thinner than high. This may result in space on the
- page in which more thumbnails could've fit. In these cases, try specifiying a higher
- resolution to fill the gaps.
- If PICPAGE is specified, each picture will get its own page called '<picture name>.html' that
- contains an image tag to show the picture (the code will also contain the proper WIDTH and
- HEIGHT tags) centered on the screen, and a 'Previous' and 'Next' link (where appropriate)
- that allows the user to step through each picture in sequence rather than having to refer
- back to the index each time. It will also have link(s) to the index page(s).
- Once done, each table is saved as stand-alone HTML page with the name 't_index<#>.html'
- in the current directory, which can be directly pasted into an existing document. When
- creating multiple pages, each page will contain an index to the all other pages. If PICPAGE
- is specified, the picture link will refer to the picture's page, rather than the picture
- itself.
- Adding pictures or changing resolution later on
- -----------------------------------------------
- If you wish to add pictures, or remake the table for a different resolution, simply
- run the script again using the same arguments as the last run, where appropriate,
- and the program will make thumbnails for new files, and skip those that already
- have thumbnails. It will then create new table page(s).
- If you wish to change the resolution of the thumbnails, you'll have to erase the
- thumbnail directory and have them all redone again.
- Notes
- -----
- -The program assumes all filenames contain only one extension (ie. filename.jpg,
- not filename.1.jpg)
- -The directory of files to be scanned should only contain graphic files. Other file
- types should be excluded using the PATTERN variable. Foreign files may cause GfxCon
- -If a foreign file is encountered, and you have the verbose option on, don't concern
- yourself with possible error messages from GfxCon; the file will be skipped
- -If for any reason GfxCon can't load a picture to create a thumbnail, you will see
- a warning when it happens. The table will still have a cell for the picture, there
- just won't be a thumbnail for it.
- -If you move the location of the index file, you should add the "<BASE HREF>"
- attribute in the file in order to have the files properly referenced.
- History
- -------
- 1.0 Initial release
- 1.1 Added thumbnail size attributes in index page
- 1.2 Fixed bug for quality selection for JPG thumbnails
- Eliminated pattern requirement - now scans all files in directory
- All references in index files keep the same case as the original files (for those
- wonderful UN*X servers :)
- 1.3 Better file pattern matching using RexxArp library
- 1.4 Fixed bug with upper case extension in index file
- Added some error checking if GfxCon couldn't process a file
- Now using RexxArp for all directory functions - old way
- resulted in the wrong name being associated with a file
- Now also properly handles filenames containing spaces
- Thanks go to Colin Thompson for beta testing the last two revisions
- 1.5 Added AmigaDOS style argument parsing
- 1.6 Program now creates the table with files in alphabetical order
- 1.71 Small bug fix in usage information
- Changed email and fixed file reference for required libraries
- No longer need a space at the end of the GFXCON variable
- Added PATTERN as optional argument for pattern matching
- Usage section now displays the program's current defaults (not the original ones)
- Will now exit properly if no files are available for processing
- Put base reference tag line as user settable variable
- 1.8 Bug fix in sorting routine (would cause duplicates and omissions in tables)
- Fixed BASE HREF tag for compatibility; now blank, user option
- Added Header and Footer variables to allow automatic insertion of code in page(s)
- 1.9 Added PICPAGE option to create individual picture pages that can be browsed in sequence
- Improved the program's grammar :)
- If you notice any bugs, have any suggestions or have any modification you'd like to send,
- my email address is sboisvert@softhome.net
- Sébastien Boisvert